
I've been re-adjusting my life routines to fit around uni work after the first week has been complete (and soon to the the second week completed). It's always a bit hard in the first few weeks to get used to the daily tasks that kept me focused and working. But I think that I am settling back into the flow of things!

I've been keeping myself constantly creative by working on personal projects, as well as keeping myself inspired for my thesis writing by researching heavily on my chosen subject area, which as I previously mentioned here, is on zines vs. mainstream magazines and their connection with the female experience, drawing on their role in the "Riot Grrrl" third-wave feminism movement of the late 80's/90's. It's a topic I'm passionate about and find deeply interesting, so I'm happy that I've chosen a topic that is going to keep me interested so I don't wind up in a rut of complete boredom and regret!

Studio work has recently ramped up, meaning that I'm going to be inundated with projects for the rest of the semester, which is good because I like keeping busy ad I know that taking on more work will enable me to keep pushing myself to produce the best work that I possibly can.

This past week in images:

1. Reading a biography of Frida Kahlo, who is without a doubt one of my favourite female artists - she is iconic and her story is such an inspiration. What she did with her short life is admirable.
2. An illustration featuring model Soo Joo I completed recently, which can be viewed in its entirety under the Portfolio link.
3. Flat-lay of a recent outfit I wore this week, featuring boyfriend jeans from Dotti, leopard tank from Cotton On, shoes from Catwalk by Innui and a book about Egypt I received for my 21st birthday.
4. Mango season! Yum!
5. Kate Moss illusration finito!
6. I succumbed to the ugly Birkenstock shoe trend, but I am not ashamed of that fact as they are soo comfortable!

I've made a mix which I will probably be regularly using whilst I write my thesis - its due on the 25th of June and I am quite stressed about that! I want to make it the best I can, so hopefully the songs included in the mix will help me to stop procrastinating and work on it!

❀ Grrrls Thesis Mix ☾ from bambisvalentine on 8tracks Radio.

Until next time! x

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RaeAbigael said...

you are an amazing artist! keep it up and good luck with everything!~


HailesHeartsFashion said...

Love the fact my little comment is gonna be a miniature letter. So cute! Anyway, great post :) I love biographies and auto-biographies and memoirs. Might give the Frida Kahlo one a go. Beautiful blog - how can I follow you? I can't find the thingy? :P

Haaaappy Spring!

Hailes Hearts Fashion.

HailesHeartsFashion said...

Thanks for replying! I am now following you on bloglovin :)

Happy Monday & Happy Spring!

Hailes Hearts Fashion.

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