So it has been quite a while since I posted something proper and meaningful on this little ol' blog! But as you may have read on my last update post, things have been incredibly hectic and I've felt so much stress, but I've somehow managed to push through it all and come out fighting fit! Except though, I have come down with a nasty winter cold, so I'll be trying to fight that battle now, with a healthy diet, plenty of exercise and lots of TV and film catch-up, such as Time Team and Poirot! I've also been meaning to see Farewell, My Queen for ages now, but alas time has escaped me! But now I'm on a bit of a break,I think I can reward myself with it. As you may have already discovered, I'm quite mad about anything related to Marie Antoinette, so this film looks right up my alley!

A few changes to my blog layout; I've removed the link to the following of my blog through blog reader (because as you have probably already known for months, it is about to become obsolete) so if you wish to follow me, I've updated the button to take you to my bloglovin' page. I would rather they have decided to keep blog reader alive, but you can't always have your cake and eat it too.

I've also been having serious cases of nostalgic hits (could be something to do with the shoes I just purchased...) and I've been drawing inspiration from my childhood, relating back to the certain toys I used to play with. One of the most prominent of those was the Polly Pocket franchise. I seriously miss these little opening and closing bundles of joy, they just were so amazing, so portable and so cute! I remember having quite a dew, including the mermaid storybook and the massive village! Did any of you, dear readers, own any of these wonderful toys when you were younger? Please share. ♡

Here's my month (or so) in images:

1. Getting through hours of study is made easier with a tasty breakfast such as this! Muesli with Greek yoghurt, raw almonds, bananas, strawberries, natural honey and chia - mmm!
2. Saw The Great Gatsby, which I have been wanting to see for over a year now and it luckily it did not disappoint me! Baz Lurhmann is a genius!
3. My (growing) collection of my most prized lip product - Revlon lip butters! Such amazing pigmentation with great moisture, no wonder everyone is obsessed with them!
4. Break is here, time to settle into days of drinking milky tea whilst fawning over the wonderful smelling pages of the new Frankie magazine.
5. I was so excited to receive these in the mail last week. I had been umhing and ahhing over whether to get them or not (although there was never any doubt that I would be getting them in the clear with glitter), but I caved and decided I must have them if I am able to properly show-off my sock collection with pride! As you can see, they are the cutest things ever. Even that synthetic plastic smell makes me all nostalgic for my youth! If you're dying for a pair to relive your childhood memories like I once was, you can head over to Jbeans and snag yourself a pair for $34.99.
6. I have been practicing my sewing skills for a project looking into British accents and dialects. I'm quite a terrible sewer so I'll need a lot more practice!

Well that's all I've got for now, ta-ta! ♡

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Fleur said...

oh my oh my oh my I feel like it's Christmas morning and I just opened my present and your magical little blogging world is packed inside it! I'm sooooo in love with your blog! your amazing header, your texts, the moodbards oh my goddy! I love love love loeve lvoevbehhgwr it!!!!
This blog is truly one of my favourites at the moment. I love your pastel madness and the fact that your blog layout is so damn adorable, just lovely <3

Sin12012 said...

I never saw a blog like that . Amazing ! :D

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