Serene Dream

I flew back home a few days ago, so I've been settling back into my old lifestyle and getting used to things again. I just finished unpacking all of the massive amounts of things I took with me, so it's quite a relief to have everything back in its old place again! Today, I am posting a few things which are keeping me inspired this week.

1. Celebrating the Chinese New Year at a restaurant. They had the most amazing banquet spread - everything was perfect, especially the strawberry fillet steak!
2. Making some drawings, cats and deer.
3. Op-shop finds, a pretty much brand new peter pan collared dress and a comfy t-shirt with a skull doily emblazoned upon it.
4. Finished a drawing of Keira Knightley in Edge of Love, she's super beautiful.
5. Collections of sea-related items.
6. Home sweet home - back again after two-and-a-half months away.

I finished an extremely belated Valentines Day illustration recently too - Valentines Day is quite useless, but cake and kitties are not.

I also completed my Boudicca illustration, finally!

I have also been a bit naughty and purchased two more things online, this glitzy black sequin tank and this polka-dotted prettiness both by Minkpink. Definitely cannot wait until they arrive at my doorstep!

I hope you enjoy this playlist I made!

Sprites in the Night from bambisvalentine on 8tracks Radio.

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1 comment:

Rachel Fleminger Hudson said...

ahh these are Puuurrrrrfeect <3

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